What is Alkaline Water


Alkaline water is rich in alkalizing minerals including Calcium, Magnesium, Bicarbonate and other trace minerals which increase the PH. The definition of PH is the measure of Acidity or Alkalinity of water-soluble substances. The range of measurement goes from 0 PH to 14 PH with 0 being the lowest and considered the most acidic, and 14 being the highest and considered the most Alkaline. A measure of PH 7.0 is considered neutral. Alkaline water typically ranges from PH 8.0 up to PH 10.0.

Water that is “naturally” Alkaline occurs when water flows down a mountain stream and passes over the minerals in the rocks and soil allowing the water to “ naturally absorb “ the minerals available as it flows over and through the natural formations.

ACTIVE H2O produces our alkaline water with a 12 step reverse osmosis purification process then infuses it with essential minerals and trace elements to improve taste and increase the overall PH. Having a reliable, drinkable water source is key and this process ensures a consistent source of pure, healthy Alkaline water for our community.

What are the benefits of drinking Alkaline Water?

Hydration is a concern for everyone, which means having a reliable, healthy water source is key. The idea that alkaline water is medicinal, curative, and able to bring about optimal health seems to be based on the belief that acidic properties in the body and blood are the cause of ill health and disease and need to be neutralized. Therefore, a more alkaline body will lead to better health!

Alkaline water has ultra-hydrating properties as compared to normal water. This can be beneficial not only for people who work out on a daily basis that require more amount of water in their body, but also for keeping the everyday person hydrated. Scientifically speaking, the water molecules in alkaline water are smaller and more readily absorbed by your cells, which help your body rehydrate quickly.

Alkaline water contains four major minerals commonly believed to be beneficial to health:

  1. Calcium: Important for bone health, as well as heart, muscle, and nerve function.
  2. Magnesium: Helps turn food into energy and is necessary for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body.
  3. Sodium: Regulates blood pressure and volume, and supports nerve/muscle function.

There are several incredible health benefits to drinking alkaline water such as:

Improve Bone Health

Some research has been done on the effects of alkaline intake on bones. A study published in the scientific journal Bone found a positive effect on bone resorption with people who consumed alkaline water rich in bicarbonate. Bone resorption is the process where old bone cells are broken down and replaced by new ones. Less bone resorption and more mineral density result in better bone strength. The authors of the study concluded that “bicarbonate- and calcium-rich alkali mineral water decreased bone resorption more than calcium-rich acidic mineral water.”

Soothe Acid Reflux

A study published in Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology found that drinking alkaline water at pH 8.8 can help soothe acid reflux because the higher pH level kills pepsin, an enzyme involved in breaking down food proteins and the main cause for acid reflux. Acid reflux that keeps happening for a long period of time can cause damage and a disease known as gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD.

Reduce High Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar, and Cholesterol

In 2016, scientists in Shanghai found that three to six months after drinking alkaline water, people with high blood pressure (hypertension), high blood sugar (diabetes), and high blood lipids (cholesterol) had lower measures in each of these factors. Researchers found that high-pH electrolyte water reduced blood viscosity, the thickness, and stickiness of your blood, in 100 adults after exercising. This may help reduce cardiovascular strain due to dehydration.

Enhance Hydration

A 2017 study published in Biology of Sport found that drinking alkaline water shows a positive effect on hydration status after anaerobic exercise with a significant decrease of specific urine gravity. Intake of alkaline water also shows a positive effect on urine pH during the anaerobic test protocol, and much more efficient lactate utilization after the high-intensity interval exercise. In addition to enhanced hydration, efficient lactate utilization results in increased energy, as lactate serves as an energy source in skeletal muscles.

Increase Longevity

In particular, health advocates believe that alkaline water helps neutralize acidity in the body which is caused by poor diet, stress, and environmental toxins. This benefit helps boost the immune system, and thereby helps increase energy levels, slows the aging process, supports weight loss, detoxifies the body, cleanses the colon, rejuvenates the skin, supports the health of muscles and joints, and resistance to numerous diseases.


STEP 1: AG Pre-Filtration – cartridge type, removes particulate matter down to 20 microns.
STEP 2: Carbon – an activated carbon cartridge filter that removes chlorine, chloramine, solvents, lead, insecticides, gasses, and other harmful contaminants. Works as a water softener, without the use of salt and drawing hardness particles together and crystallizing them. Includes an automatic backwashing system.
STEP 3: 5 Micron Pre-Filter – removes particles, sediments, and algae.
STEP 4: R.O. Pump – high pressure, stainless steel pump to boost water pressure to 160 lbs. for maximum membrane efficiency.
STEP 5: Reverse Osmosis Membrane – water is forced through a semi-permeable, .0002 micron membrane, allowing only pure water molecules to pass.
STEP 6: Storage – water is stored in FDA approved tanks.
STEP 7: Repressure System – 12 GPM pressure pump assures constant water supply from storage tanks to post-carbon filter, ultraviolet sterilizer, and faucets.
STEP 8: Pressure Tank – 32-gallon pressure tank assures a constant flow of water to the filler.
STEP 9: Post Carbon Filtration – water travels through a 4.5in x 20in coconut shell carbon block filter, polishing it for an exceptionally smooth taste.
STEP 10: Ultraviolet Sterilizer – stainless steel sterilizer eliminates up to 99.9% of all bacteria.
STEP 11: Ozone is added to water storage tanks to prevent future bacterial growth.
STEP 12: Pass the purified water through the Alkaline mineral bottle and infuse it with essential minerals and trace elements.