Disposable Bottled Water Issues

Environmental and Health Impacts

Many bottled water brands boast 99% filtration but at what cost to the consumer and to the planet? Plastic waste has been a rising environmental issue over the past decades as bottled water sales have increased. The world is currently purchasing one million plastic bottles per minute and less than 10% of those are expected to be recycled. It takes hundreds of years for plastic waste to naturally decompose, which has caused landfill overflows and a direct negative impact on our waterways and ocean life. Active H2O considers it a privilege to help mitigate this negative environmental impact and feels we all have an obligation to reduce our plastic waste to ensure our future generations can enjoy this beautiful planet God created.

FDA describes bottled water as water that’s intended for human consumption and sealed in bottles or other containers with no added ingredients, except that it may contain a safe and suitable antimicrobial agent. (Fluoride may also be added within the limits set by FDA.) Also, while the water itself may be filtered, the chemicals from the plastic containers that hold it can be harmful especially in hotter temperatures.

The FDA requirements are minimal when it comes to bottled water filtration information. While it must meet certain standards, the treatment method doesn’t need to be disclosed. Data is rarely readily available on the bottle itself and it may be hard to track down on a company’s website. For example, the standard of quality regulation sets a maximum level of contaminants that are allowed in bottled water and still be considered ready for consumption.

Bottled water doesn’t appear to be any better, safer, or purer than tap water. In fact,  the Food and Drug Administration’s quality standards are the same as the EPA’s standards for tap water, which means we cannot be assured our bottled water is any purer or safer than the water out of our tap. At ACTIVE H2O, you can be assured we utilize the most advanced technology available to provide our customers with an active, healthy drinking water alternative.

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